I love my winter coat. It protects me from the cold and the wind. It makes me feel warm and held, and it allows me to spend time outside in the elements without feeling the effects so much. But summer is on its way in and I don’t need my winter coat right now. If I put it on, it may bring me that familiar feeling of protection, but against what threat? The temperature here in Milwaukee has been warm enough that I can leave my windows open, even at night. Putting away my winter coat feels like the right thing to do. Not throwing it away forever, but putting it away because I won’t be wearing it today. Or tomorrow. Probably not for a while, but I know where to find it if I need it.

Alexandra's winter coat
We all have protective layers - our protective or defensive behaviors that we learned when we needed them. We have all adapted in times when we’ve felt unsafe in our lives. And while it may feel safe and familiar to wear our armored layers all the time, they don’t fit every situation. Consider what would happen if I did wear my winter coat today, when it’s sunny and warm. What if I wanted to spend some time outside? I might want to feel the sun on my skin - or the breeze. I wouldn’t feel any of it because of my protective layer. What if I wanted to go for a run or ride my bike or work in my garden? Not only would I not need that so-called protection, it would hinder my abilities, make me uncomfortable, and take away my enjoyment. It would get in the way of free movement.
I know when it’s time to put away my winter coat - and I know where it is, just in case I need it. Learning to recognize when we need protection and when we don’t makes us adaptable. It is certainly more practical to be adaptable, rather than to wear protective layers all the time, and it’s more enjoyable too.
Alexandra & Kateri

Even my indoor plants are adapting to the changing weather.