Lately, I’ve noticed myself ignoring the signs that it’s time to sleep and then wondering why I’m still awake hours later. I hear the message from deep within, “You’re tired. It’s time.” Sometimes it’s only 8:30 p.m., so I decide to do something relaxing instead. I read or watch Netflix for a little while, and by the time I see a “reasonable” bed time on the clock, it’s too late and I’m not sleepy anymore. The next morning, I wonder why I’m still tired or why I was up so late.
Even without looking at statistics, I can confidently say that many of us are enduring a high level of stress lately. Under high stress, it’s harder to listen to yourself and identify your needs. Sometimes it feels like the only way to keep going is to not listen to yourself because what you’re hearing is “stop” or “something has to change.” I find it empowering to know that if I do listen - if I choose to stop - then I have a better chance of being able to continue. If I ignore the signal to stop, I’ll risk fatigue or injury and have to stop anyway. Our culture doesn’t like the word “stop.” It sounds like quitting or failure. Well, stopping doesn’t have to be permanent. How about a pause or a momentary rest? And how about allowing failure to be an option? Sometimes holding on to the idea of continuing results in worse failure than choosing to stop. I would certainly be less tired if I allowed myself to fail at staying awake until a socially acceptable time.

This week’s lie down talk guides you through lying in prone, or on your front. Lying in prone may look slightly different for you, but your hands and arms should be resting somewhere up near your head.
Why are you afraid of silence, silence is the root of everything. If you spiral into its void a hundred voices will thunder messages you long to hear. -Rumi
When you practice stopping, you get better at listening to yourself. When you listen to yourself, you get better at knowing when it’s time to stop.
Alexandra & Kateri