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Rest Up! - "On Mistakes"

Updated: Feb 7, 2021

How do you react to the idea of being wrong? What about being perceived as wrong? The fear of mistakes can cause us to tense up and either shrink or puff ourselves up. Both of these reactions cause tension and rigidity. What if you could let go of some of that fear and maintain ease and openness when faced with the wrongness that is an inevitable part of being?

We all make mistakes. We’re all wrong sometimes. When we approach a conversation or an activity with the purpose of being seen as right at any cost, we aren’t open to listening. We also aren’t open to learning anything new.

These days, there are plenty of things to disagree about. What is the difference between approaching a conversation with openness and ease and approaching a conversation with rigidity and stubbornness? Can you invite yourself to communicate in a way that allows you to give yourself space?

This is what I would have missed if I had turned around. I couldn’t be happier that I went the wrong way.

This morning, I set off for a long run. I had a goal pace and a route planned. When I got to the first intersection, I absentmindedly went the “wrong” way. Instead of reacting out of habit and turning around, I chose to be curious about what was ahead. I decided to be open to the path that I found myself on, rather than staying rigidly attached to what I had planned. If I had been attached to my plan, I would have missed out on the unbelievable colors of the sunrise. Sometimes, you can learn what you need to let go of by being willing to accept what is in front of you. In this week’s lie down talk, we invite you to practice taking up space, giving yourself space, and being open to what is there.

Alexandra & Kateri


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