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Rest Up! - "Rest"


Updated: Feb 7, 2021

What happens when we allow ourselves to rest?

The first talk of the series centers on the principle of rest. Not sleep, in this case, but constructive rest, in which we practice conscious awareness of ourselves and our environment. This lie-down is written from the personal conversations I have had with myself about my use of social media, my own anxiety and exhaustion, and my desire to feel more rested and present to my life. I was inspired by this frog on one of my walks this week, as he rested comfortably among the rocks and puddles along Lake Monona. He seemed calm and present, yet also ready to jump at any moment. Poised for movement, present in stillness. Doesn’t that sound inviting?

The talk is about 18 minutes long, and is available to you whenever you would like to listen. We hope it provides you with support, if you need it, to take care of yourself during what has been a trying time for our society. Find a comfortable spot on your floor (hopefully with some carpet or a yoga mat beneath you) and a small stack of soft books to rest your head on. If you are new to this practice of constructive rest, it is as simple as lying down and paying attention to yourself. Simple, but not always easy to do without a guide, which is why we are here!

We hope you enjoy this first constructive rest talk-through, and will join us for the rest of this series.

Kateri & Alexandra

Nature at rest!



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